Workshops. Not workouts.
Malcom Gladwell would have us believe it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. That’s more than a year of training, 24 hours a day. We’re not suggesting that – but practice and support do make perfect.
We can help you write better emails, tell more compelling stories, apply your new tone of voice, and more. And your team will walk away feeling fired up to write.
We can train a group of four or 400. For 30 minutes or a full day. Virtually or in person. And we can design a tailored training curriculum just for you, or create a programme of our tried-and-true Writer’s Academy sessions.
Take a sneak peek at what our training is like

What we do
Tailored training curriculum
We design a curriculum for your team, to take on their specific writing goals and grievances, like how to train thousands in a global team in the new tone of voice. We offer a minimum of three workshops to make sure the learning sticks.
The Writer’s Academy
We build a programme from our library of workshops, to tackle common writing challenges, like writing reports people actually want to read. We offer a minimum of five workshops per programme, because writing is a skill that you should keep building on to get better at.
How we've helped
What we think