The Writer's Vault

Shh...It's our secret

Are you ready for the replay?

Get what you want. Planning reports with reason

Here's a secret: report writing's easy. Sure, there’s work to be done. But the bulk of it needs to happen before you even start typing. 

These three steps should help convince you that getting exactly what you want out of your report isn’t quite the uphill struggle you think it is...

Plan with precision. Narrate with numbers. Create your compass.  

Two for the price of one

To share our knowledge to our global audience, we ran two webinars across multiple time zones.

They are both brilliant.

Jake presented from the UK, while Brooke hosted from the Americas.

Scroll down to find both recordings.

We invite you to watch 'Get what you want. Planning reports with reason' with Jake.

This webinar is tailored for our UK and EMEA audience.


We invite you to watch 'Get what you want. Planning reports with reason' with Brooke.

This webinar is tailored for our US audience.


Want more report writing inspiration?

Here's the follow up fodder we promised: