
Bullet points

Here’s how to do them. If the sentence before the bullets ends with a colon (like this one):

  • start each point with a lower case letter (Word might try to autocorrect you so watch out for it)
  • don’t punctuate at the end of each line
  • finish the last one with a full stop.

If the bullets are a self-contained list (ie there’s no sentence ending in a colon before them) do them like this.

  • Capital letter at the start of each one.
  • And a full stop at the end of each one.

If your bullet points are all questions, ignore the above and start them with caps (even if you’ve got a colon). Because otherwise it looks a bit weird.

If your bullet points are answering a question, what do you do?

  • Capital letter at the start of each one.
  • Full stop at the end of each one.