Case study: HSBC

Helping internal audit get ​ to the point

0 min read, tagged in Consulting, Writing and in Brand & marketing.

Internal audit might be the last place you’d think a bank’s tone of voice would reach. But HSBC knew it had to be one of the first.​

Influencing decisions at the very highest levels of the bank, the internal audit team’s words have to be precise – and concise – to get their message across to time-strapped execs in the short space of a board agenda item. And HSBC’s team knew they could be doing better. ​

Spotting the issue

In our interviews with the team, we heard two common themes: issue reports and their executive summaries, which everyone felt could be clearer, more concise, and more to the point. ​

Training new ways of thinking

Based on what we heard, we rewrote the team’s issue-writing guidelines. Then we created a set of workshops off the back of that: a full-day session around the new guidance, and a half-day devoted solely to that all-important precis, the executive summary. Planning, structuring, writing and editing were all on the agenda as we set out to hone the internal audit team’s skills.​

The world tour that followed saw our trainers crossing the globe to run workshops in Canada, Mexico, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Dubai and more.