Case study: PWC
Words to power PwC’s app UX
0 min read, tagged in Consulting, Writing and in Brand & marketing.
We worked with PwC’s thought leadership team on the launch of their award-winning 365 app and created additional specialized guidelines to help people ‘make their advice worth reading’.
Regular interaction, not sporadic tomes
We audited, redesigned and wrote PwC’s thought leadership strategy – shifting it from epic white papers (and scroll fatigue) to a series of regular interactions more suited to the channel, not to mention busy people’s working day.
Content that drives movement
We helped migrate and repackage more than over 1,100 pieces of content – making key copy fit into headlines, short descriptions and long descriptions. So readers could navigate and interact intuitively across the app.
And we didn’t stop there
A few years after the app launched, we went back in and audited the whole user journey. Not just the thought leadership, but every nook and cranny – from signing up to error messages, and everything in between, finding opportunities not just to inform, but delight the users.
Curious for more? Dive into another PwC story here.